Creative Ways to Use Mini Printer – PoooliPrint

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Creative Ways to Use Mini Printer – PoooliPrint

So you are thinking about a portable mini printer? Or maybe, you already have one, and you just need a little inspiration to what to do with it?

Either way, you are in the PERFECT place because right now, I’m going to show you the best (& most creative) ways you could use your wireless printer.

Sounds great?

Then let’s go!

How to use portable mini printer?

1. Print Your Beautiful Photos - Even On The Go

Yes, it’s true.

With the help of a Mini Printer, you can print beautiful (HD) photos… 

… which look so great you won’t be able to take your eyes off them for a loooooong, long time.

pocket printer photos

But it’s not enough to just print gorgeous photos… 

Thanks to its size & weight, you can easily just grab it, put it in your pocket, AND EVEN USE IT on the go. 


Just imagine how awesome that’d be to snap a picture of your beautiful scenery… 

… and within MINUTES, you could hold that same picture in your hands. 

So you can show them to your friends, or you can even put them on your wall at home. :) 

Just like this: 

photo wall black and white thermal prints

Speaking of friends… You can actually…

2. Make a Gift To Your Friends - Which Will Look So Awesome They’ll Remember It Forever

But how?

Let me tell you. :)

So, first things first, you need some photos. Got them? Awesome.

Now print them out with the help of your portable printer… and make a collage of them. Something like this:

photos printed with friend

Trust me, your friends won’t be able to put this gift away!

Because it’s thoughtful. Unique. And beautiful.

And just think about it…

Every person who comes to their room (of course, they’re going to have this gift in their room… right next to their family photos) will ask them about it.

And they won’t be able to help but smile as they tell your stories together.

Isn’t that the best gift ever?

But let’s NOT stop at just friends and let's see other ways how to use mini printer.

3. Print Notes For Your Loved Ones

And it’s going to be even easier than you can imagine.


Just open your Poooli App, design some notes (you can get this done within MINUTES), print them out, and voilá

You are done.

And you can get results like these:

poooliprint with photo and notes printed on top of a journal

But these notes AREN’T the only notes you can print. :)

No way!

Because you can actually…

4. Print Voice Notes - Mind-blowing, I know. :)

Okay, first things first:


Glad you asked.

It’s basically a QR code printed out… and when someone scans it with their phones it opens a voice message…

… tailored to them!

Because what is more personal than a thoughtful message? T̶W̶O̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶t̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶s̶s̶a̶g̶e̶s̶. A thoughtful VOICE message.

Really. Try it out. You won’t be able to stop sending them.

And your love will always keep that note because it’s so unique. And personal.

Isn’t that what’s love all about?

And if you think you want to be more “creative” than just printing out notes, then you can…

5. Print Out Your Beautiful Drawings - Fast

Okay, okay, I get it.

You like to draw.

And to tell you the truth, you are actually quite great at it. ;)

So why not print them out?

You can get results like these:

poooliprint printed drawing

But basically, all in all, you can…

6. Print Out Your Reality - So You Will Not Only Thrive But Enjoy The Whole Process

And I’m not even kidding!

But how?

A 2018 study shows that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals… if you just simply write them down. (source:

But what if, instead of just writing them down… you’d print them out?

Yeah, you start to get a feel for it! 

This way, you’re not only more likely to achieve your goals… but you can actually PUT THEM ON YOUR WALL, so you could see them every day.

study with poooli

And thanks to their gorgeous looks, you’d be more motivated than ever to actually achieve them.

But for that, I have another tip for you. ;)

Print out to-do lists.

Thanks to these, you don’t have to keep everything in your mind, but actually, you can just print them out and free up your capacity… so your mind can do what it was made to do:


And you’ll probably get things done waaaaay faster than ever.

goals printout poooliprint

And lastly, notes.

This is kind of the same as the to-do lists.

You free up your mind if you write & print out what you need to buy, where you need to attend, and things like this.

Try it out.

You won’t be able to stop.

Especially if they’ll look like this:

study notes poooliprint

And thanks to the things above, you’ll not only be more likely to achieve your goals…

… but to enjoy the whole process!

This is because - as I’ve said before - you let your mind wander and be in the present moment (because it doesn’t have to always think about what you need to do next).

And if you’re in the present moment… in the flow, if you will… you’ll feel a sense of relaxation. You’d be sharp. And that’s freeing.

And yeah, thanks to this, you’re not only getting things done but ENJOY getting these things done.

And that is what I wish for you. ;)

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